Too Many Books Pillow Cover #Books #Pillowcase #Bookblog

CaptureIf you have a library or a book nook this pillow case is a must have! You can NEVER have too many books, right? How cute would this be sitting in the corner of your favorite reading area?

This item is sold on Amazon by Soparlly (image from the Amazon page).  It is made from “100% grade cotton linen” and measures approximately 18 x 18 inches with a hidden zipper.

The online reviews for this pillow case are awesome (4.4/5.0) and it only costs $8.69 (Prime). How can you beat that price!? I need to start decorating myself ASAP!

If you have an old, boring 18×18 pillow that needs an adorable face-lift, then buy this pillow case!

If you are interested in this item, please consider purchasing through this link: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you. Thanks!




Edgar Allan Poe Coffee Mug #EdgarAllanPoe #coffee #tea


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I have been posting a lot of Poe-related story reviews lately so I took a quick peek on Amazon to see if there were any cool Poe-related items… and look what I found! How cool is this mug!? No serious Poe fan should be without it, right? The mug is covered with quotes and images from Poe’s work. It holds 12 ounces and comes in a nice gift box. The side of the box says “Nevermore quaff your coffee from an ordinary mug.” AWESOME!

This is sold by The Unemployed Philosophers Guild on Amazon.  I have no affiliation with them, I just love this mug! I know you do, too!

Buy this mug and “Poe” yourself a nice cup of coffee or tea!  HA!

If you are interested in purchasing this item, please consider purchasing through this link: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you.



Stainless Steel Man Bookends


I admit that I am a fan of bookends. If I had more shelf space for my books I would have bookends everywhere… including the ones pictured above! Bookends to me are like splashes of art and whimsy throughout the house!

How awesome are these? Kind of minimalist and artsy, but also fun! The Amazon description indicates that theses are stainless steel, have non-skid bases and are 2.76 x 6.4 x 7.3 inches in size.

Every reader appreciates bookends! These would be a fun gift for a young reader, too!

If you are interested in this item, please consider purchasing through this link: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Image from the Amazon product page. Sold by Fasmov.



This “pillow” will help you read anywhere!

book pillow

I used to own something similar to this that I used when I read in bed. Mine was basically a beanbag type thing that you could lean books on… I liked it but it didn’t work well with paperbacks because you still had to hold the book open with your hands. The “book seat” above solves this problem. Not only will this hold your book well (it is filled with polystyrene beads so you can squish and move it to accommodate your book as needed) but it also has a little plastic piece in the front (see it in the pic?) that will hold your book open for you!


This would be awesome for all you librocubicularists out there! Reading in bed just got SUPER easy! Not to mention road trips or air travel – because it can also serve as a travel pillow! So, when you get tired of reading (wait, is that even possible??!) you can use this pillow to rest your head!

If you are interested in this item, please consider purchasing through this link: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Image from the Amazon product page.